We got together at my mother-in-laws for the fourth of July. I got my family together and had my niece take our picture. M wanted to know why I didn't tell them ahead of time so her and her sister could have worn makeup. Sometimes you just have to surprise them. Our oldest is pregnant with her 3rd so I am planning on a family picture after this baby arrives. She, yes we know that it is a girl will be here on James 55 birthday. How fitting, Randi was born on our 3rd wedding anniversary so this baby being born on James' birthday is pretty cool.
Dalton is hollering in an empty grain bin to hear it echo. He thinks that is so funny. The humor of a 2 year old.
M in his swing is too funny, and him swinging her. Mother and daughter moment how sweet. This is my niece Lori she is 15 days older than Beau.
Hope every one had a great 4th sorry this is so late. Oh well at least I got it posted.