"Wow "I can't believe its been 3 months since my last post. Lots of things have happened since then, We have a new addition to our family-Macaylee Grace was born on Oct 1st, I became unemployed on Nov 14 and reemployed on Nov 18. God does work in mysterious ways. I am working for a friend that I attend church with. She owns a convenience store and needed someone to work for her she could trust. No her last name is not Patel. She is a southern girl, born and raised in the south. She has one of the few convenience stores left that is American owned, and operated. She has had several employees in the last year, they wouldn't show up for work, stole from her, stole from the store, and it seems like the last one was using it as a front for her boyfriends business. I think God has me there for a reason and a season. Are you going through a season right now?
Our new addition Macaylee Grace is so beautiful. Another blessing from God. Her big sister and brother are doing well with her. Her little brother is very possessive of her, he doesn't want anyone holding her if he isn't right there. In some ways that is a good thing and in others it can be aggravating. Were has the time gone, Lexi is 6, Dalton is 3 boy is their mom getting old.
Emily starts student teaching on the 12 of this month, I can tell she is really excited about this new experience in her life. I haven't gotten to spend much time with her as she is busy and my work schedule is crazy. I like my new hours though, some days I work 6-2 and other days 2-9. I guess this is God's way of preparing me for when she leaves the nest. It is hard to believe that you can live in the same house with someone and not see them for 3 or 4 days.
School started back today for Beau, my sister-n-law asked if he was ready to go back, I told her that as much as he had to go back over Christmas break it was like he hadn't left. He had weight lifting for football in the morning and wrestling practice in the evening. Some days I didn't get to see him either. He spent a lot of days with his girlfriend, who is a freshman at Georgia Tech, boy that was hard to write. We are Georgia fans at our house, we bleed black and red. Ashley is a very intelligent young woman, and cute too. Beau does have good taste. The only strike against her is that she is Catholic and we are Baptist. Now don't get me wrong if this is the young lady Beau chooses to spend the rest of his life with I will accept her. He has several more years of school and life and more young ladies to be exposed too.
Even though all I have been through in the last couple of months life is still very good. I have so much to be thankful for, Health, family, a job ( as of this writing there are-I think -3 million people unemployed.) a loving husband, a wonderful church family and great friends. A roof over my head and food to eat, some people can't say that. Lord open my eyes to be more aware of what is happening to people around me and ways I can help.
I didn't make any New Years resolutions, did you? If so I hope you can stick to them and all that you planned for the New Year will happen. As for me and my house we will "Worship the Lord".
Well it's about time for me to leave for my new career so i'll sign off now. More later.