Friday, January 25, 2008

He's still working on me and you..... Part 2

Have you ever stopped to think about how you were made? Do you remember as a child "play dough" and all the wonderful things that could be make with it? Well I was not one of those creative children all I could make were snakes and bird nests with eggs and in summer I would make snow men with white play dough. I had friends who made houses with trees and in those trees little birds. In their house's they had a family:father, mother, brother and sister, complete with a dog in the back yard of that little play dough creation, every thing a child could imagine. Not me, I just didn't have those creative juices. No matter how hard I tried
In Psalms 139:14-16 the psalmist writes: 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, 16 your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. (NIV) How majestic are these words. That I was woven together and My God saw my unformed body when I was created in the secret place. He made me just as he wanted me to be and placed me in my mothers womb at the appointed time. He picked out who my mother would be, I was his gift to her.
He has a plan for my life as he does for your life. Am I completely sure what these plans are? NO. What path am I to go down I do not know but I am trusting my God to show me the way.
Remember you are not a "play-dough" creation you were hand crafted by God. He formed you and has a plan for your life a plan that is for good and wonderful things. Things pleasing to God our creator. So you see he's still working on im sure he is still working on you. Have you found your path? Are you like me have you strayed from it from time to time because you took your eyes off Jesus and what it was he wanted you to do. Did you get ahead of him? No wonder we can't see him turn around he is behind us waiting patiently for us to follow him, not for him to follow us. I know we get excited about something and run ahead just slow down and and learn to walk with God, I know it's hard because we are still God's children no matter how old we get. Get back in contact with the Lord through prayer and bible study. Walk with him dear one trust him and remember he is still working on you and me.
Love Your Sister in

1 comment:

Lelia Chealey said...

Hi Kay,
I was very touched by the comment you left on Lysa's blog for her daughter Hope. Also, I'm so sorry about the little one you lost in your family. How very sad for the mother.
I loved this post. I really needed to hear this as our 18 year old daughter is pregnant right now. I need to share this with her. I believe that she's going to be a good mommy, but she also is my "prodigal daughter" like I once was. :)
Well, I'll be back for more reading. Thanks for sharing your heart Kay.
Blessings & hugs~