Monday, March 31, 2008

Living Proof Live

Wow!!!!! We (me and 9 other ladies from my church) just returned from the Beth Moore conference in Jacksonville. What an experience that was. God showed up and stayed for two days. Just think 14500 ladies in one voice and one accord prasing the Lord. If you have never been to one of her conferences I am teling you now you need to attend. Her bible studies are great but to be there in person and experience the praise team and her speaking it is remarkable. We came home so alive and refreshed, with such focus. I am gion to stop looking behind me or to either side, I am only going to focus on forward.


Jodie Wolfe said...

I could use your help. I am trying to survey as many women as possible to find out what ten struggles they face as a Christian woman. If you have a few minutes, I would love your input on my blog in regards to the ten struggles that Christian women face. Thank you!

Please pass this on to your friends as well.

Lysa TerKeurst said...

I'd love to see your before and after Mary Kay photos...

Let me know when you've got them posted.
